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All of our chicken eggs come from our completely free range mixed breed flock. All our birds have free roam of 21 acres of woodland, wetland and pasture. This gives each bird plenty of choice for places to forage, and scratch to find all kinds of goodies.


This variety in both the breeds and diet gives us exceptionally tasty eggs that come in all kinds of shapes colours and sizes. 


Our Breeds include Sussex, Rhode Island reds and Welsummers each give over 100 eggs per year some even give over 200!!


While there will be eggs available all year Summer will be abundant.


Please Note: We do not post eggs and we can only deliver eggs if they are bought with one of our meat boxes but you are welcome to pop in and pick up your eggs from our farm. 

Chicken Eggs - Bakers Dozen (13)

  • After you have bought your eggs and got them home please place them in the fridge and consume within the date shown on each egg.

    We do not wash our eggs and we highly recommend not to wash your eggs untill you intend to cook as this can effect the freshness.

Our Address

Meadow Tree Farm

Dandy Ford Land

Sherfield English

SO51 6FG

Contact Us

TEL:        078 3293 8235 


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